Good evening
Following on from the Prime Minister’s statement yesterday I wanted to re-assure parents and carers about a number of certainties that you can count from McAuley.
Public exams scheduled for the next two weeks will still go ahead and staff will still continue to support these students and ensure that they can sit them safely.
We will continue to support families in receipt of free school meals.
We will continue to be open providing care and supervision for our most vulnerable children and the children of critical key workers where both parents and carers are required to work.
We have received confirmation that school buses will continue to run but have been asked to confirm any route alterations.
These and all other children in all year groups will continue to be able to access the highest quality remote learning that my staff can make available. We are getting better at this.
There may be good reason why some students can’t easily access the on-line lessons. So where technology is a barrier we will be sharing full details tomorrow about how we can support you and your children further by making 250 laptops available. Some will be targeted and offered to individual families whilst others will be available to loan or to purchase at cost price to us.
In this continuing period of massive uncertainty it is absolutely essential that all children actively engage in all Remote learning activities to the best of their ability. This has never been more important for Y11 and Y13. We still await further clarification about the extent, range and format of the assessments they will face in the coming months. In the coming weeks we will outline how we can ensure that these young people are motivated and supported to do their very best. They will not be let down by us.
Where students are not choosing not to access remote learning please expect phone calls and emails to make you aware of this.
Please continue to remain in contact and let us know immediately if we ever fall short.
Be in no doubt that we will continue to support your children in whatever way we can and for as long as it takes.
God Bless us all and keep us all safe